
Step 3:

Build your Personal Knowledge Management System

Why is it important?

In today’s world we are constantly receiving new information: national and international news, social updates, trends, actualizations in our professional field etc. We try to absorb as much as possible, but keep experiencing information overload and fatigue. We need a knowledge funnel that systematically transforms information into relevant and highly personalized knowledge.

How is it now?

You are exposed to a constant flow of information and struggle to get a grasp of it. You get great ideas while ‘consuming’ content during the day, but do not have anything tangible and actionable by the end of it.

How could it be?

Build a digital system to organize all important information and bits of knowledge that are relevant for your professional and personal areas of life.

But do not just accumulate digital stuff! Have all the knowledge at your fingertips for applying and repurposing it in your everyday life.

Knowledge workers need a digital knowledge funnel
— Dr. Alina Pukhovskaya